One of the best parts to attending the jamborees is getting to know the students better. While I am an adult and their chaperone, the students I travel with always let down a wall that they normally work so hard to keep up. With each jamboree or event that I chaperone, I learn more and more about the students I am with and a bond begins to form or strengthen. I love seeing their excitement over being reunited with their friends and just getting to be kids for a few days. I couldn’t help but smile as the 8th and 10th grader from my school begged me to take them out to the playground where they were just so eager to run around and swing on the swings. Of course I told them not to do tricks and then when Sam came out and joined us he promptly did a back-flip; we’re all kids at heart right? I wish I could describe the looks of pure joy on their faces at the chance to just play on the playground for a few minutes. It often saddens me that these children grow up as quickly as they do, so I was more than happy to freeze for a bit so they could have some play-time.
Another great part about sporting events is getting to travel and also seeing the other coaches and chaperones. This jamboree took place in Port Heiden, which is about a 15 minute plane ride from Pilot Point. Passing by PIP on the way down made me ache to go visit my students and the village that I miss so much, but unfortunately we passed it by without pause and quickly found ourselves at our destination. Port Heiden is also the home to some great friends of mine and it’s always fun to visit with them. During this short trip, I got to have some much needed girl time which I always appreciate and make sure to take advantage of because it’s something I really miss when I’m out here.
While the jamboree was a quick trip, it was another great one to add to the ever-growing pile of experiences that I am taking part in out here. I love getting out to see the other villages as well as catch up with the teachers, coaches, and chaperones; even if for such a short time. Nondalton's team improved throughout the games, but all I was worried about was whether or not the kids were having fun. I am eager to continue chaperoning whichever events I am offered to go to and I hope that my principal continues to ask me to attend the jamborees! Today I was asked if I’d like to chaperone the second basketball jamboree which is in a village called Levelock in two weeks. Of course I quickly said yes and thanked him for the invitation. Let’s hope the next one is just as fun as this last one!
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