The 1st Ryan Rainbow |
Maybe this is your first read or maybe you’ve been around the blog with me a time or two. Either way, as I transition from bush teaching to living in the lower 48 again, I have been trying to decide what my posts should focus on. Writing continues to be my main outlet for emotion, expression, and creativity so I knew I wanted my posts to continue on after my Alaskan adventure ended, but what should I write about? I could, and probably will, discuss my current employment status and stories, as well as daily struggles and triumphs. I could update readers on my endless mission to own ALL the dogs. On and on, there are things I could update people on. But those things don’t always have the depth or breadth that I want to delve into as I write. So this often leads me to just keeping up my personal journal and letting my poor blog gather dust on the interwebs.