Christmas 2023 |
When I first began blogging in 2014, it was to share my four month teaching journey in remote Alaska. I wanted a platform to share experiences and photos in one space. I also thought family and friends would be curious to learn of a place they might never get to experience for themselves. Four months turned to eight, and in the blink of an eye four years had passed. During that span, blog posts flowed naturally as I was blessed to travel to incredible communities, experience many firsts, learn to “adult” on my own, fall in love, take in the beauty of God’s creation with many different people, and spend my days teaching some really amazing children. It was my best intention to continue blogging as I transitioned back to the East Coast with my husband, Sam, and our village pup, Cessna. Yet, here we are five-and-a-half years later (with another pup, two kiddos, & 10 chickens in tow) and I have totaled a whopping six entries since I stopped calling Alaska home.
It's Me, Hi! |
A lot of life has happened in the last five years and I have thought so many times about getting pen to paper (click-clacking keys on the digital paper doesn’t have the same flow, so just go with it). I will say my writing has continued as I filled the pages of quite a few journals in that time. But my journal and blog "voices" are different and this one has been calling out to be heard. In the past I have struggled with accepting compliments about my posts, writing them off as remarks by well-meaninged family members instead of hearing them as honest sentiments. However, I have come to accept these for what they were and believe those who have told me that I have been gifted with a talent for writing. And what a waste of a gift to not to practice it or share it with others, even if just for my parents and in-laws who read each and every post (thanks fam!). So here I am again, giving entry number seven the good old college try at being the one that really revives the blog.
1st flight together after 5 years |
While this entry comes very early into 2024, this is not a New Year's resolution I am trying to uphold. My anxiety leads me to have obsessive compulsive tendencies as I fixate on upholding goals, meeting resolutions, and tackling to-do lists. I’m giving that part of me a break and just easing into this all again with no expectations. My only hopes are to find renewed joy in this space and practice an art form that I love. I recently saw a post on Instagram with a quote from some book of poetry with the sentiment, “now is now”. I don’t know that I’ll always have the time, ability, or desire to write. I don't know what tomorrow holds or the next hour. It really resonated with me and has spurred a new zest for getting back to blogging while I am able and wanting to do so.  |
Pride & Joy |
To be honest, I think I had myself locked into a little box of thought that people were only reading along because of the unique adventure I was experiencing in Alaska. Once I moved back I started to have doubts about interests being held in my new day to day. Would anyone care about my experience teaching cyber school in Pennsylvania or investing in learning about the ingredients and items that come into our home? Would they want to hear the ramblings of a first time mom? What about as a mom of 2 under 2? Would anyone want to read of my deepened faith as I walk with God each day? Which one of these topics am I supposed to focus on, as surely a mixture of them wouldn't flow well. All of these thoughts swirled each time I considered writing a new entry. I have let the “I haven’t found my niche” mindset limit my passion over the last few years. But what if something I write about brings joy, peace, perspective, or even some entertainment to just one other person? What if it evokes those same feelings for me? Even better, what if something I share brings one person to know God in a new light? Wouldn’t that be worth it? There is so much possibility to be had if only I get back to click-clacking keys on the digital paper.
Another art form I am exploring! |
Enough is enough. Who knows what I’ll share about in my entries or how often they’ll come. I just know I am done limiting myself in this regard. I love to write. Maybe you’ll love to read what I have to share. Maybe you won’t. You are welcome here either way. Now is now. Here we go!
I will always love to read what you have to share, just as I love you!
ReplyDeleteIt's so great to see you writing again! The bread looks so good as well!
ReplyDeleteCan't wait......thank you for wanting to share this gift with us all.