Our day got even better this afternoon when we gathered all of the kids up and showed them the movie "Halloweentown". While this movie defines my childhood Halloweens, not one of my kids had seen it! They all loved it which I figured they would. As we were watching, I brought out jelly-beans that my aunt had sent. They are the Harry Potter ones where there are two that look the same but one is a good flavor and one is gross (i.e. black could be licorice or skunk spray).. The kids were so funny as they bit into them. My sixth grader almost threw up twice which I felt bad about, but he kept coming back for more. Their faces were priceless and I will not soon forget them. These I got on camera and you can tell who got good flavors and who didn't get so lucky..
Tonight, the village had a haunted house set up in the town office. While I wasn’t expecting it to be much, it was actually pretty great. The kids all had a blast and I even got scared which they enjoyed. They got to break a piƱata and go bobbing for apples too! It was great to see them all dressed up in their costumes, hopped up on sugar, knowing that I wouldn’t have to deal with them afterwards:) Then I came home where I am currently waiting for the last of the trick-or-treaters. They are so adorable in their costumes and they all act like I didn’t just see them twenty minutes ago.
One of the best parts of my day was knowing that I got to open up three letters that my aunt, sister, and best friend had sent that were designated for today. I have their cards hanging on my wall and sometimes it’s so hard to wait until the set dates to open them, but I’ve been good. I opened the one from my aunt and best friend in the morning and saved Nikki’s for tonight. Being away from home is really hard, especially on special days like today, but it helps having letters and notes from home.
All in all, I could not have asked for a more exciting Halloween. I got to spend the day with some of the sweetest kids and it doesn't get much better than that. My 9th grader even came to my house to trick-or-treat and she seemed happy to see me (it must be the sugar) so I can't ask for much more! Hopefully all of the excitement from today will lead into a fun-filled weekend (of doing what, I have no idea, but I hope it involves more than watching movies in my house)!
Did you show them the picture of us with the mustaches from Christmas 2012? I'm glad you had so much fun with the treats! Did you eat a pear jellybean for them? It would only be fair. Love you and miss you!