
Forgive me Father, for I have sinned. I have gone against everything I have ever believed in when it comes to books this week. Yes, I dog-eared multiple pages in a book (insert gasp from fellow book lovers here). Oh it killed me to do it, but I refused to underline or highlight the pages of my book. So what book has me going against my beliefs to do such a thing? 

Within our first few weeks of being here, the book Tisha was recommended to me. The front cover itself says it is “the wonderful true love story of a young teacher in the Alaskan wilderness.” If you omit one four letter “l” word from this, it’s basically a book written about my life. While it is about a teacher who moved out to the bush for the first time in 1927, there are so many things that I relate to. Which is why my book has so many dog-eared pages. I have been trying to read this book since early September and just haven’t had the time. However, on Sunday I was able to pick it up and get through a big chunk of it. Thanks to my Alaskan-born insomnia, I might even finish it tonight. 

For anyone who is following my journey or for anyone who just wants a good read, I highly recommend this book. Written by Robert Specht as it was told to him, it really does show what it is like to teach out in the bush. Sure technology and teaching methods are much different now, but the basis of Tisha’s journey is parallel to many thoughts and encounters that I have had.

In a “this is such a small world” spin, I found out that my 7th grade cousin will be reading this book with her class. I also found out that the Chief Operating Officer from my district once met Tisha before she passed. Just some fun facts for the day:) If you’ve got the time and want to get more of a feel for what it’s like in rural Alaska, it’s definitely worth a read. I’d offer my copy up, but I’m ashamed of all the pages that I’ve bent in the name of text to self connections. 

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