Kids Say the Darndest Things

 Throughout my practicum and student teaching experiences I picked up on a bunch of funny conversations that I often found my students having. Now that I look back, I can’t really remember any of the specific one liners that made me laugh at the time. As a teacher with my own class though, I often find myself laughing during class time because of something one of my kids has said to me. Early on I decided to keep a notebook of funny things my students say. I haven’t caught all of the funny moments but as I read through some of them I can’t help but start laughing again at my students innocent yet noteworthy phrases. Seeing as how I only have a few days left with them, I thought now would be a good time to share some of our conversations.

Things my students say:

J:”Miss Norman my cousin was on the news last night!”
Me:”Was it for something good?”
J:”No.. he was arrested for breaking and entering and theft…”

Me: “Use what you know about the term ‘contrast’ to describe this”
J:”All I know is that there’s a button for that on Instragram..”

(One of my students wanted to be called Mr. Norman)
A: If he was Mr. Norman that means he would be married to Miss Norman!”
J.J.: “He could be her step-brother or something.."

A.M.: “Is the answer that the Muggle Empire fell after A-K-Bar died?
Me:” It’s Mughal and Akbar..”
A.M.: “Yeah but I like calling him A-K-Bar..”

(While working on word problems in math)
K: “Sarah had seven ponies. Miss Norman, are ponies real?”
Me: “Yes they are”
Me: “Yeah I’ll show you a picture later"
D:“The answer is 3 unicorns”
Me: “Unicorns?”
K: “Miss Norman are unicorns real??”

(While eating a chicken teriyaki sandwich at Subway)
G: “Miss Paige I feel fancy eating this”
Me: “Why?”
G: “Because chicken teriyaki is fancy!”

(My first time driving in Anchorage for AFN)
M: “Miss Norman do you drive when you’re in New Jersey?…”

M: ”Miss Norman I think you have Altzheimers, you miss the parking garage every time.”

G: “Miss Norman have you ever gone cow tipping?”

J: “Quick grab the taser before Miss Norman goes ballistic”
D: “I think he’s been sniffing the markers again..”
K: “Look I’m a Unicorn!!”

(After learning about the new teacher coming to replace me)
K: “But what if she’s like the Trunchbull like in Matilda?!?”

(While watching The Polar Express)
A: "Is that the guy from “Castaway”? "
Me: "What country do we live in?”
D: “Alaska”
Me: “No, what country?”
D: “South America! No wait I mean North America!”

(At the end of the day they also say some of the sweetest things ever)
D: “Miss Norman, are you feeling homesick?”

A: “No! We’re her family here!”

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