Lights On, Lights Off

I haven’t written in a few days so I thought I would tackle a topic on the list of “blogs to write at some point”. Seeing as how it’s currently raining as I type this, it might be the perfect time to post about this topic. Living in a village certainly has its quirks. From having to call someone 5 times throughout any given conversation to specified 2 hour windows in which you can get gas and only getting mail three days a week, the list goes on an on. Many of these things I can work around. If I drop a call I just move across my house and redial, I don’t ever need to get gas, and I plan my trips to the post office religiously around the plan schedule. There is one thing that I cannot control however and that is power outages.

One of the things that can put a kink into daily routines is the lights going out, which happens more often than you might think. We’ve been lucky recently and haven’t had too many outages, but when I first got here I quickly got used to working with the emergency lights on. It seemed like we lost power at least once a day. Luckily we haven’t had an incredibly long blackout, yet.. With the storm that’s coming in the next couple days I’m sure we’ll be losing power for a bit. Most of the times, thankfully, the lights kick back on within a few minutes. 

However short the power outage is, my students are just like any other kids when the lights go out. They freak out for a split second and then get more excited than the situation calls for. One of these times I think I’m going to plan an “outage” just so we can get together to tell scary stories (they’d be over the moon about this). Needless to say, it disrupts our classroom routine and takes me at least 10-15 minutes just to get them refocused. Worse things could happen so I will gladly take all of these power outages any day (just as long as the lights come on before the sun goes away for the day). Just another day in the life of a teacher in a village! 

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