When in Doubt, Dance Party

Today was one of those days where the weather couldn’t decide what it wanted to do. One second it was rainy and the next it was sunny. I left the room for I’m not even joking one minute and I came back and all I could see was white out my windows. In the time that it took me to go to the other room, fog had taken over PIP. A few minutes later, as if it had never been there, the fog was gone and the sun was back out. 

Much like the weather, my brain was having one of those days where it just couldn’t decide what it wanted to do. I sat down to work on lesson plans this morning and before I knew it, it was mid-afternoon and I was still sitting at my table doing schoolwork. My Sunday had slipped away as I did work. I was feeling frustrated, but then I also had one of those moments where I thought “well if I wasn’t lesson planning, what else would I be doing?”. Thus began my wallowing in self pity.. There was a brief period in there when I saw a rainbow and it turned my whole day around. I also talked with some friends which made me happy and sad at the same time. I’m laughing now as I think about how I spent my afternoon in a mess of emotions as I still continued to update grades and plan lessons. They always say that your emotions transfer into the food you cook; well I sure hope the same doesn’t hold true with lessons because this weeks will be all over the place. 

Needless to say, by the time I skyped with my dad a few hours later, I was an emotional wreck. In a way that only dads can do, he spent half an hour giving me his best pep talk. After I talked to him, I decided to take back my Sunday. I hit the kitchen to make myself dinner and prepped my workout clothes so I can get over to the school for a mind-clearing run later. Then I did what my friend told me should happen everyday. I had a dance party in my kitchen. If anyone who lives in the house across the lake was looking out their windows, they definitely saw me “shaking it off” to some T-swift. I regret nothing. It’s never to late to turn a gloomy day into a sunny one. Here’s to remembering that you can’t have a rainbow without a little rain:)

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