Baby Beluga

While I don’t have pictures to share, I have to write about my first whale spotting(actual whales and not just their spouts)! Yesterday, Chris and I had to go to the airstrip and on the way back we drove down Dago. As we were getting closer to the water, I could see white objects surfacing and then going back under. I pointed them out to Chris, and as we watched, more and more appeared. Chris told me that they were Beluga whales! I was so excited to be seeing them! Last weekend, there had been hundreds out in the water but we couldn’t see them. Yesterday however was my lucky day. Just watching them swim out there and popping out every so often was breath-taking. It was as if they were showing off for us. I would give anything to go out on a boat and see them up close. 

It does make me sad to think about the locals going out to hunt them though. As I was watching, I couldn’t stop from thinking about how the whale that was caught last week was traveling with these other whales only a week earlier. It’s one of those times when you think about how majestic these animals are and how amazing it is to see them. What gives me comfort though is that the villagers do not hunt them for sport. There was no entertainment please gained from their hunt. They hunt solely to provide food for their families and respect animals and nature more than any group of people that I’ve ever met. So while it would be nice to have seen one more whale out there yesterday, I know that the whale they caught last week will provide meals for many of the families in the village. 

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