Killing Her With Kindness

She loves me. She loves me not. She loves me. She loves me not. She loves me not. She loves me not and she has no problem letting me know this. Every. Single. Day.

Oh I have met quite the unhappy high school student. A girl who, I might mention, is very vocal in letting me know that she dislikes my very existence. I ask her how her distance class was and I get a look like I killed her dog. I ask her to watch a video for Social Studies and the eyes roll. I ask her to be back from lunch on time and she just doesn’t come back at all (seriously this is a three times a week kind of thing we’re talking about). I say she can’t drink coffee in school because it’s the school policy and she writes me fun little love notes and sends one to the District Office as well (but this one was just funny because she forgot the stamp and it ended up getting put in my mailbox. Don’t worry, I didn’t read it.). Truly, I don’t know that I’ve done one thing that she’s approved of yet. She is the daily reminder as to why I never wanted to go into secondary education in the first place. 

However, I am not one to back down from a challenge; and she is without a doubt my greatest challenge at this time in my life. So I continue to smile when I talk to her. I ask her how her class was. I charge her computer for her when she leaves it lying around when she leaves for the day (or morning depending on when it is that I say the magic words to make her mad enough to leave school for the day). I politely remind her why she can’t drink coffee and why teachers can. I prepare her work for when she decides to leave school early. I tell her daily that I care about her and her school-work. I share with her the treats that family members are sending for me and my students. I explain her work to her in a courteous manner no matter how many times she rolls her eyes, says “are you serious?”, or tries to walk away from me. I will not back down from my killing her with kindness tactic, and I can see that I’m weakening her defenses (maybe that’s all in my mind though).

Today I got a smile from her about an hour before school ended. It was fleeting and maybe accidental, but I will take it and put it in my pocket for the days when I don’t want to be kind. Somewhere in there is a girl who has had a tough go of it in school. A girl who doesn’t have many other female friends in this village comprised of young boys (most of whom she is related to in some way). Somewhere deep down, I think she might like me a little bit. Sometimes I think she's just so stubborn that she refuses to back down from her hatred of all things Ms. Norman. Oh how I can’t wait for the day when that girl shows up in my classroom with a positive attitude. That day will be one for the books. I might even throw a party. I’ll be sure to update when the day comes (when, not if, because I am a firm believer that positive thoughts lead to positive results). So please won’t you think positively with me?

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