I Think I'm Developing an Ulcer

Lack of sleep? Check. Bags under my eyes? Check. Sanity? Still searching for it. These past few weeks have been the busiest and most overwhelming of my life. Don’t get me wrong, I am so blessed to be on this journey and I appreciate the chances I have been given. But at the same time, the constant inconsistency is quickly burning me out.
Once again I have to write about how different village life is than life in Jersey. At the average school, teachers are able to simply focus on teaching and the craziness that comes with that job. Here however teachers have to take on what seems like a million other jobs or tasks in addition to our class-work. Some days we have a cook, and some days we don’t. Our cleaning woman picks and chooses when she will come in. Our bus driver seems to change on a daily basis, and I am constantly wondering who will be taking the kids home or picking them up each day. Don’t even get me started on running the school generator..
There’s a quote that says something along the lines of “don’t worry if plan “a” doesn’t work because there’s 25 other letters in the alphabet”. Well I’ve quickly learned that by the time school starts each day that we will usually be on plan K or L. It truly hurts my brain to think of the ways each day could quickly turn south. I was convinced that my brain would have turned to mush by the end of this week. Insert Kasie saving my sanity here.
Kasie arrived Tuesday this week, and I truly can say that if she hadn’t shown up when she did that I might be curled up in a corner somewhere. My mind has just about reached the breaking point, but having a visitor has been a great help. Not only has Kasie been helping get my older students organized and on track, but she is a great running partner, and has helped me get away from school a bit this week. She’s also taught me how to bead (post and pictures to follow) which has been an amazing stress reliever. While my brain is still on overdrive, having Kasie here has slowed down the chaos for a bit. I’m planning to sabotage her leaving  so she is always with me (let’s hope she doesn’t read this post before I execute my plan).

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