It's the Little Things That Mean the Most

“Wow, it looks like you got a lot done. I really appreciate you doing that for us”. The moment I heard those words from a dad of one of my students today, I could feel a weight lift off my shoulders. I don’t think most people understand how much teachers truly care for there students. I’ve only known my kids for a few weeks, but I want the best for them and I’ll do everything I can to make it happen. This includes being a high school guidance counselor (of course I couldn’t do this without the immense amount of advice and help from our real guidance counselor). Again, because our sites are so small, we can’t have a full school staff at each site. For example, my principal is also the principal of two other schools and she travels between the three. Similarly, our guidance counselor travels between all the sites throughout the year. With her support, I help counsel my students as they get ready for life after high school, among other things.
Recently, I’ve worn the hat of guidance counselor as I help prepare one of my older students as they transition to college classes. Honestly I am just winging it and hoping that I’m doing the right thing. Judging by this dad’s reaction to what I had for him when we talked today (I have parent meetings! Ahh how crazy is that??), I’m doing okay:) I can’t explain how it felt to know that he acknowledged the work I’ve put in to helping his child. He doesn’t know what it meant to me to hear those words, but it truly turned my night around.
Also, he just brought pizza over to the school. The things you miss when you’re out in the village! He said he wanted us to have it because he knows we work late and probably don’t get the chance to eat as often as we should. The perks of him being a pilot and flying in and out of the nearest village with a pizza place. Happy teacher moment:)
P.S. I was starving when he brought the pizza over, so had to take a bite before I could snap a picture. Best pizza I’ve had in a very long time (and I even ate pepperoni- and I don’t ever eat pepperoni on pizza!), so that is saying a lot!

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